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Week of Friday, 06 November 2009


JoanieTeresa Joan O'Boyle

Having celebrated 82 summers, Teresa Joan O'Boyle, Joanie, to her many friends, died quietly of natural causes on October 26, 2009 at the home of her son and daughter-in-law in Key West, Florida.

Joanie was born in 1928, the third of five children in Scranton, Pennsylvania to Elizabeth and Thomas Moran, the former manager of the Scranton Times. She grew up spiritually and literally in the shadow of Saint Patrick's Catholic Church in the Moran home on Jackson Street, where her sister Jean still lives today. 

The Morans lived so close to the church that the ringing of the great bell hushed conversation and invariably drew from Grandma Elizabeth a whispered, and always mysterious, "Hark, hark, the dogs all bark." The habit became a quirky reflex to ringing church bells that Joanie passed down through generations.

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