PAGE ONE COMMENTARY: Man Disabled When a Police Car Ran Him Down Says No One from City Government Has Bothered to Check on His Condition



by Dennis Reeves Cooper

You probably know the
story. It has been well-covered
by the newspapers. Last November
24, in the early evening,
David Denton, 65, was crossing
Southard Street where it intersects
with White Street. He was
in the crosswalk and the traffic
light was green.

At the same time, Key
West police officer Nick Revoredo,
in his patrol car, was turning
left off of White Sreet onto
Southard. He says he was only
traveling at about 10 mph,
but he said that he didn’t see
Denton. What do you want to
bet that he was talking on his
cell phone?

In any event, his patrol
car struck Denton, knocking
him to the pavement. Police officials
say that Officer Revoredo
stopped and rendered first aid
to Denton, who was transported
to Lower Keys Medical close a laceration in his right
leg and stitches to close a head

Denton’s tibia— his shin
bone— was reportedly shattered.
The next day, orthopedic
surgeon Dr. David Perry operated
to put a 9-inch metal plate
in Denton’s lower leg, screwed
to the bone.

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GOOD NEWS: Almost-Blind, Three- Pawed Kitten Needs a Forever Home

Kitty garvey and danny From the FKSPCA

A few weeks ago, a man
brought a tiny, frightened,
hungry kitten he’d found on
5th Avenue to the FKSPCA’s
Stock Island shelter. Nothing
new about that. It’s been a busy
kitten season this year, the busiest
Kitty Garvey can recall, and
she should know: Kitty Garvey
has been caring for the cats at
the shelter for ten years.

This little fellow, only a
couple of weeks old was different,
though. Danny, as he was
named, was almost blind and
missing a front paw. Because
Danny was so weak, Garvey
decided to take Danny to her
home so he could receive the
round-the-clock care he would
need to survive. She was also
worried about how he would
manage without his sight and
a front paw.

Kitty garvey and danny2 Happily, Danny not only
survived but is as playful as any
other kitten, just more resourceresourceful—
he has even worked out
how to bat toys around!

He will soon be old
enough to be adopted and the
FKSPCA hopes that a special
family will open their hearts
for this brave little cat. Call
294.4857 for more information.

NOTE:Because of the
number of cats and kittens
that have come into the shelter
this year, the FKSPCA has an
urgent need for scoopable
cat litter. Donations can be
dropped off at the shelter,
located at 5230 College Road
on Stock Island.

BITCHIN’ PARADISE: Welcome to the Dog and Pony Show!

Kimberley denney by Kimberley Denney

They’re baaaaack! I know
we should all be grateful to
see tourists and their dollar
bills floating around the
island. And I really do want
to coexist peacefully with our
out of town guests. My blood
just boils when day after day I
have to park five blocks from
my house, while the residential
spaces on my street are filled
with out of state and out of
county vehicles, including
recreational vehicles that take
up at least three spaces (can
anyone tell me why no one ever
turns the ignition off on these

Recently I’ve even
passed cars on my block and
noticed that this is where the
occupants were spending the
night. The big giveaway is the
roll of toilet paper on the center
console. Where exactly are they
relieving themselves?

Monday John Wilkins
filled the shoes of Key West’s
new Parking Manager, so I have
a little hope that a practical and
fair solution is on the way. I will
especially be keeping an eye on
his progress, because I’m not
just holding a grudge about
the sorry state of residential
parking. I also have a grudge
against those who actually
write the tickets.

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RHONDA: Inadvertent Scenic Route

Rhonda by Rhonda Linseman-Saunders

We recently took a road trip to visit my sister in
Tampa. To my dismay, the kids remembered that the
Busch Gardens tickets my sister had given us during
our spring break visit were still good until the end of
the year. My normally airtight argument about not
being able to afford whatever it is they’re begging for
was negated in an instant.

Somehow, my husband, parents, sister, brother
and sister-in-law and their kids, each weaseled out of
going to the theme park. I’d never had so many people
so eager to stay with the baby “for me.” I can hardly
blame them; it was freezing up there. That left me and
two of my kids to make a day of it all on our own.

My sister Googled the directions from her place
to Busch Gardens. I wrote them down, every detail,
step by step. And the directions were spot on— had
we been interested in getting to Busch Attorney at
Law instead of Busch Gardens.

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by Rick Boettger

The widely-acclaimed “feel-good movie of the
year” is The Blind Side, about a poor hulking black kid
rescued by a well-off white family. The teen is walking
in frigid weather wearing a t-shirt and shorts when the
upper-middle-class mom, played by Sandra Bullock,
makes the snap decision to take him into their home.
He ultimately bonds with all, including the cheerleader
and bright son, and goes on to an NFL career. A rough
but heart-warming road to a happy ending.

What really got my attention was an interview
with the real-life mom, when she said, “He had a
greater impact on our lives than we had on his life.”

Say wha’? The young man has a crack-addict birth
mom and inept foster care, ends up in a prosperous
home with loving guidance towards college and a
dream career, and the family got the best of it?

Surprise! That’s not smarmy B.S. It is true, as I
can attest from my own story. And boy, do I owe you
a feel-good story, not from my travails of the past, but
from what I am going to be putting you through in this
new year. I’ll have long scary tales to tell of my battles
against a powerful nemesis that will make Publisher
Cooper’s past spat with ex-Police Chief Buzz Dillon
seem like a junior-high food fight. Best to lead into
my seemingly-hopeless and dangerous upcoming
war stories with a heart-warming tale of my own, a
similarly valiant struggle against hopeless odds with a warm fuzzy ending.

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House & Garden Tours Set for Next Weekend

With miles of historic district, Key West may look like an
architectural museum to visitors, but residents are well aware
that it is a living city. The five houses lined up for the January
House & Garden Tour illustrate how changing with the times
can be done while honoring the past. The tour is scheduled for
Friday and Saturday, January 15 and 16, from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets
are $25. Info: Call (305) 294-9501. The Home & Garden Tours are presented by the Old Island
Restoration Foundation.

People’s Theatre Open House Saturday

The People’s Theater of Key West invites everyone to an
Open House, 2 p.m. this Saturday, January 9, at their new offices
located at 142 Simonton Street. Drop by for refreshments! Meet
our new instructors and register for workshops! Learn what’s
new in 2010! Find out how YOU can get involved! PTKW is a
newly formed 501(c)3 company devoted to bringing a fresh,
provocative, performance presence to the Key West arts community.
This opportunity is available to anyone regardless of
education or experience.

Info: Visit

Garden Club to Present Free Workshop

With water restrictions still in place for the Keys and the
growing environmental concerns most of us share, the Key West
Garden Club is providing an important public workshop. Top
Keys landscape designer Franco D’Ascanio will present a free
evening workshop, “The Water-Wise Gardener: Choosing Plants
That Reduce Your Water Dependence,” on Wednesday, January
13 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the West Martello Fort as part of the
Key West Garden Club’s 2010 Horticulture Education Series.
Info: Kim Gordon at (305) 745-2030.

Special Concert: Peter Mayer Returns to Historic Armory

Peter mayer Peter Mayer, the well
loved lead guitarist for Jimmy
Buffett’s Coral Reefer band,
returns to The Studios of Key
West for a solo show on January
15, 2010. Mayer will be performing
original songs from a career
that has produced more than 13
CDs and songs such as “Faith
In Angels” (featured on an episode
of the hit series “Scrubs”)
and Blue Guitar (recorded and
performed by Jimmy Buffett).

He’ll also include a few selections
from his latest release,
Goodbye Hello, a collection of
15 Beatles songs outfitted with
fresh arrangements and new
musical settings.

“His two shows in November
sold out very quickly,
and his extraordinary musicianship
explained why,” said
Eric Holowacz, director of The
Studios of Key West. “Peter
carefully crafts each song,
whether inspired by a pop classic,
a calypso melody, or a jazz
riff. The result is impeccable,

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Weekend Softball Tournament Will Benefit Marques Butler Scholarship Fund

The Key West Rotary
Marques Butler Memorial Softball
Tournament, with proceeds
to benefit the Marques Butler
Memorial Scholarship Fund at
Key West High School, will take
place this weekend, Saturday
and Sunday, January 9-10.

Tournament Director,
Tony Yaniz said that the tournament
will be an annual
event and will be the primary
fundraiser for the scholarship,
which will be given annually
to a college-bound Key West
High School senior who best
exemplifies the sportsmanship
qualities that Marques showed
on and off the playing field.

“Marques was a wellloved
member of the community
and this scholarship is the
way to keep alive the memory
of this outstanding person,”
Yaniz said.

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